


C C General function of the subroutine C ---------------------------------- C C GXHOL can be used for the simulation of free-surface flows, C provided that there is no "overturning" of the surface, so C that the surface height is a single-valued function of the C other two coordinate directions. C C The "height" may be measured in the x, y or z direction, C the selection being made by setting IHOLA to 1, 2 or 3 in the C Q1 file, respectively. Negative IHOLAs mean that the ''height'' C is measured with reference to one of the 'high' boundaries of C the flow domain. C C Blockages may not be present in the flow domain. C C Grids may be cartesian, polar-cylindrical or body-fitted. C C Functions of particular parts of the subroutine C ----------------------------------------------- C C The following Groups are visited:- C C * Group 1, in order to allocate storage and to make certain C once-for-all settings C C * Group 8, in order to compute the column-wise inflows and C outflows of liquid, from which the heights of C liquid in the columns are computed. C C * Group 9, in order to compute the volume fraction of liquid C from which material properties are deduced. C C * Group 13, in order to specify outflow boundary conditions C for flows where the body force is normal to the C main flow direction. C C * Group 19, in order to initialize and update various arrays C which are used in other parts of this subroutine. C Also updated are material properties. C C For more detailed description of HOL, users are referred to the C PHOENICS Encyclopaedia accessible via POLIS. C C Definitions of FNs are given where they appear in the code. The C FUNCTion entry of the Encyclopaedia provides full explanations. C C*********************************************************************** c
SUBROUTINE GXHOL INCLUDE 'patcmn' INCLUDE 'farray' INCLUDE 'satear' INCLUDE 'grdloc' INCLUDE 'satgrd' INCLUDE 'grdear' C PARAMETER (NLG=20, NIG=20, NRG=100, NCG=10) COMMON/LGRND/LG(NLG)/IGRND/IG(NIG)/RGRND/RG(NRG)/CGRND/CG(NCG) COMMON/GENI/NXNY,IGFIL0(1),NXNYST,IGFIL1(52),IPRPS,IGFIL2(4) COMMON/NAMFN/NAMFUN,NAMSUB LOGICAL LG,VISITB,VISITX,VISITY,VISITZ,XDIREC,YDIREC,ZDIREC CHARACTER*6 NAMFUN,NAMSUB CHARACTER*4 CG SAVE VISITX,VISITY,VISITZ,VISITB,XDIREC,YDIREC,ZDIREC,IFIRST,N, 1 IFREQU,GRELAX,RLXFAC,L0FLUX,L0MSIN,L0MOUT,LNOLDP,LNVFOL,ICHK, 1 RHOLIQ,RHOGAS,L0TMOL,L0MOLO,L0LMOL,L0INOU,L0TLIQ,L0VOLL,GGDT, 1 L0VFOL,L0VOFH,LCVOL,IZP1,L0EASP C NAMSUB='GXHOL' if(flag) call banner(1,namsub,011116) IXL=IABS(IXL) C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 1 ------- Section 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C Storage allocations for the slab-wise variables. C C Note that RHO1=GRND10 is being used as the activator of HOL C Set local variables with meaningful names to values which C have been set in Q1. C....................................................................... IF(IGR.EQ.1.AND.ISC.EQ.1) THEN IF(IPRPS.NE.0) THEN RLXFAC=MIN(1.0,ABS(DTFALS(P2))) XDIREC=IABS(IHOLA).EQ.1 YDIREC=IABS(IHOLA).EQ.2 ZDIREC=IABS(IHOLA).EQ.3 RUPLIM = 1.0 - RLOLIM IF(.NOT.STEADY) THEN IFIRST = 1 IFREQU = 1 RLXFAC=1.0 ELSE IFIRST=-1; IFREQU=-1 CALL GETSDI('HOL','IFIRST',IFIRST) IF(IFIRST.EQ.-1) IFIRST=IDISPB CALL GETSDI('HOL','IFREQU',IFREQU) IF(IFREQU.EQ.-1) IFREQU=IDISPC IF(IFIRST.EQ.0) IFIRST=5 IF(IFREQU.EQ.0) IFREQU=5 ENDIF GRELAX = RLXFAC CALL WRITST WRITE(LUPR1,'('' HOL Control Parameters'')') WRITE(LUPR1,'('' First update sweep:'',I4)') IFIRST WRITE(LUPR1,'('' Update frequency: '',I4)') IFREQU WRITE(LUPR1,'('' Relaxation factor: '',1PE10.2)') GRELAX CALL WRITST ELSE WRITE(LUPR1,*)'PRPS must be stored in Q1 for hol' CALL SET_ERR(243,'Error. PRPS must be stored in Q1 for hol.', 1 1) ENDIF ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.1.AND.ISC.EQ.3) THEN C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 1 ------- Section 3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C Provision of slab-wise storage C TMOL - Total Mass Of Liquid in a cell column C MOLO - TMOL at the previous time step/isweep C LMOL - Lower Mass Of Liquid in a cell column C ie TMOL below the interface cell C INOU - Rate of change of TMOL through IN- and OUT-flows C VOLL - Volume of cell of the lower IZ slab C TLIQ - Total amount of liquid in a cell column possible IF(XDIREC) THEN N = NY*NZ ELSEIF(YDIREC) THEN N = NX*NZ ELSEIF(ZDIREC) THEN N = NY*NX ELSE WRITE(LUPR1,*) 'HOL direction not set in Q1' CALL SET_ERR(244,'Error. HOL direction not set in Q1.',1) ENDIF CALL GXMAKE(L0TMOL,N,'TMOL') CALL GXMAKE(L0MOLO,N,'MOLO') CALL GXMAKE(L0LMOL,N,'LMOL') CALL GXMAKE(L0INOU,N,'INOU') CALL GXMAKE(L0TLIQ,N,'TLIQ') CALL GXMAKE(L0EASP,NY*NX,'EASP') IF(ZDIREC) CALL GXMAKE(L0VOLL,N,'VOLL') C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 1 ------- Section 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C Variable initializations. C....................................................................... ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.1.AND.ISC.EQ.2) THEN L0FLUX = L0F(LD5) L0MSIN = L0F(LMIN1) L0MOUT = L0F(LMOUT1) LNOLDP = LBNAME('OLDP') LNVFOL = LBNAME('VFOL') RHOLIQ = F(INDPRTB(IPRPSA,0)+1) RHOGAS = F(INDPRTB(IPRPSB,0)+1) CALL WRITST WRITE(LUPR1,'('' HOL densities'')') CALL WRIT2R('RHOliq ',RHOLIQ,'RHOgas ',RHOGAS) CALL WRITST C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 8 ------- Section 7 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C Compute volumetric source for GALA. Note that an isentropic gas C flow is assumed. C....................................................................... ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.8.AND.ISC.EQ.7) THEN IF(STORE(LNOLDP)) THEN L0SU = L0F(LSU) L0DEN1=L0F(DEN1) L0OLDN=L0F(OLD(DEN1)) DO 701 IY = 1 , NY DO 701 IX = 1 , NX I = IY+(IX-1)*NY VOLSOR=( 1.0-F(L0VFOL+I) ) * 1 ( 1.0/F(L0DEN1+I) - 1.0/F(L0OLDN+I) ) / DT F(L0SU+I) = F(L0SU+I) + VOLSOR 701 CONTINUE ENDIF C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 8 ------- Section 8 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C Compute inflows & outflows of liquid to a cell column C at the current slab, so as to be able later to obtain C the total mass of liquid in the cell column C C F(L0FLUX+...=the algebraic volumetric convective flux c calculated inside EARTH C C Logicals VISITX, VISITY and VISITZ are used to ensure c that the sum is calculated only once for each cell in c each slab. ICHK serves a similar purpose C C INDVAR= R1 means that the 1st-phase convection fluxes C are being computed C....................................................................... ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.8.AND.ISC.EQ.8) THEN IF(INDVAR.NE.R1.OR.ICHK.GT.NZ) RETURN C NDIRCA=1 means that the north direction is in question. IF(NDIRCA.EQ.1 .AND. VISITY) THEN DO 801 IY = 1,NY-1 CDIR$ IVDEP DO 801 IX = 1,NX I = IY+(IX-1)*NY C Find the "upwind" volume fraction of liquid and C multiply it by the algebraic flux times the density C times (for unsteady flows) the time step. IF(F(L0FLUX+I) .GE. 0.0) THEN YFLUXN = GGDT*RHOLIQ*F(L0VFOL+I )*F(L0FLUX+I) ELSE YFLUXN = GGDT*RHOLIQ*F(L0VFOL+I+ 1)*F(L0FLUX+I) ENDIF C Add and subtract YFLUXN appropriately to and from C the contents of the local and the neighbouring cells. IF(ZDIREC) THEN F(L0INOU+I ) = F(L0INOU+I ) - YFLUXN F(L0INOU+I+ 1) = F(L0INOU+I+1) + YFLUXN ELSEIF(XDIREC) THEN ID=IY+(IZ-1)*NY F(L0INOU+ID ) = F(L0INOU+ID ) - YFLUXN F(L0INOU+ID+1) = F(L0INOU+ID+1) + YFLUXN ENDIF C This is all that needs to be done if solids are not present. 801 CONTINUE C The next statement ensures that only one visit is made to C the above sequence in each sweep. VISITY = .FALSE. C NDIRCA = 3 means that the east direction is in question ELSEIF(NDIRCA.EQ.3.AND.VISITX) THEN C Here is done for the x-direction what is done above for C the y-direction CDIR$ IVDEP DO 802 IX = 1,NX-1 DO 802 IY = 1,NY I = IY+(IX-1)*NY IF(F(L0FLUX+I) .GE. 0.0) THEN XFLUXE = GGDT*RHOLIQ*F(L0VFOL+I )*F(L0FLUX+I) ELSE XFLUXE = GGDT*RHOLIQ*F(L0VFOL+I+NY)*F(L0FLUX+I) ENDIF IF(ZDIREC) THEN F(L0INOU+I ) = F(L0INOU+I ) - XFLUXE F(L0INOU+I+NY) = F(L0INOU+I+NY) + XFLUXE ELSEIF(YDIREC) THEN ID = IX+(IZ-1)*NX F(L0INOU+ID ) = F(L0INOU+ID ) - XFLUXE F(L0INOU+ID+ 1) = F(L0INOU+ID+ 1) + XFLUXE ENDIF 802 CONTINUE VISITX = .FALSE. C NDIRCA=5 means that the high direction is in question ELSEIF(VISITZ .AND. NDIRCA.EQ.5 .AND. 1 .NOT.ZDIREC .and. THEN C Here is done for the z-direction what is done above C for the x- and y-directions. DO 803 IX = 1,NX CDIR$ IVDEP DO 803 IY = 1,NY I = IY+(IX-1)*NY IF(F(L0FLUX+I) .GE. 0.0) THEN ZFLUXH = GGDT*RHOLIQ*F(L0VFOL+I)*F(L0FLUX+I) ELSE ZFLUXH = GGDT*RHOLIQ*F(L0VOFH+I)*F(L0FLUX+I) ENDIF IF(YDIREC) THEN ID = IX+(IZ-1)*NX F(L0INOU+ID ) = F(L0INOU+ID ) - ZFLUXH F(L0INOU+ID+NX) = F(L0INOU+ID+NX) + ZFLUXH ELSE ID = IY+(IZ-1)*NY F(L0INOU+ID ) = F(L0INOU+ID ) - ZFLUXH F(L0INOU+ID+NY) = F(L0INOU+ID+NY) + ZFLUXH ENDIF 803 CONTINUE VISITZ = .FALSE. ENDIF C Add in inflow mass fluxes IF(VISITB) THEN DO 804 IR=1,NUMPAT CALL GETPTC(NAMPAT(IR),GTYPE,IXF,IXL,IYF,IYL,IZF,IZL,JF,JL) IF(NINT(GTYPE).GT.15.AND.NINT(GTYPE).NE.23) GO TO 804 CALL GETCOV(NAMPAT(IR),LNVFOL,GCO,GVAL) IF(GVAL.GT.0.0) THEN CONST=GGDT*(1.0-RHOGAS*GVAL)/(1.0-RHOGAS/RHOLIQ) IF(ZDIREC) THEN CALL FN34(-L0INOU,LMIN1,CONST) ELSE DO 805 IX = IXF,IXL CDIR$ IVDEP DO 805 IY = IYF,IYL I = IY+(IX-1)*NY IF(YDIREC) THEN ID = IX+(IZ-1)*NX F(L0INOU+ID)=F(L0INOU+ID)+F(L0MSIN+I)*CONST ELSE ID = IY+(IZ-1)*NY F(L0INOU+ID)=F(L0INOU+ID)+F(L0MSIN+I)*CONST ENDIF 805 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF c.... reset ixl and iyl to ensure whole-slab print-out IXL=NX IYL=NY 804 CONTINUE C subtract outflow mass fluxes DO 806 IX = 1,NX CDIR$ IVDEP DO 806 IY = 1,NY I =IY+(IX-1)*NY OMASS = GGDT*F(L0MOUT+I)*F(L0VFOL+I) 1 /((1.0-F(L0VFOL+I))*RHOGAS/RHOLIQ+F(L0VFOL+I)) IF(ZDIREC) THEN F(L0INOU+I) = F(L0INOU+I) - OMASS ELSEIF(YDIREC) THEN ID = IX+(IZ-1)*NX F(L0INOU+ID) = F(L0INOU+ID) - OMASS ELSE ID = IY+(IZ-1)*NY F(L0INOU+ID) = F(L0INOU+ID) - OMASS ENDIF 806 CONTINUE VISITB=.FALSE. ENDIF C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GROUP 9 ------- SECTION 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< c coding provided for computing, slab by slab, the vfols. c call to fn34 - lmol(of current slab)=lmol(of last slab) c +rholiq*vol(of last slab) c call to fn67 - calculate volume fraction of liquid from c local density c izp1 ensures that lmol is calculated once for each slab. c for transient flow: both ifirst and ifrequ are set to 1. c for steady problem: IDISPB=number of sweep at which vfol c undergoes first update. c IDISPC=number of sweep after which a c new VFOL field is calculated( >=2 ). c definition of fns c fn1 (y,a): y = a c fn34(y,x,a): y = y + a*x c fn67(y,x1,x2,x3,b1,b2): y = (b1*x1 + b2*x2)/x3 c fn22(y,a): y = amax1(y,a) c fn23(y,a): y = amin1(y,a) c fn2 (y,x,a,b): y = a + b*x c fn59(y,x): y = 0 where x = 0 c fn26(y,x): y = y * x C....................................................................... ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.9.AND.ISC.EQ.1) THEN c height measured in z direction IF(ZDIREC) THEN IF(IZSTEP.EQ.1) THEN c at the bottom, the mass of liquid in the cell is set to zero CALL FN1 (-L0LMOL, 0.0) IZP1 = 2 ELSEIF(IZP1.EQ.IZSTEP) THEN IZP1=IZSTEP+1 c lmol added up slab by slab CALL FN34(-L0LMOL,-L0VOLL,RHOLIQ) ENDIF c store lower slab cell volume CALL FN0(-L0VOLL,VOL) ENDIF IF(ISWEEP.GT.FSWEEP.AND.ISWEEP.GT.IFIRST.AND. 1 MOD(ISWEEP-1,IFREQU).EQ.0) THEN ccc vfol is calculated from (tmol - lmol) / (vol * rholiq) LCVOL = L0F(VOL) IF(ZDIREC) THEN CONT=1.0/RHOLIQ CALL FN22(-L0TMOL,0.0) IF(IHOLA.LT.0) THEN CALL FN34(-L0TMOL,-L0TLIQ,-1.0) CALL FN23(-L0TMOL,0.0) CALL FN34(-L0TMOL,-L0TLIQ,1.0) ENDIF CALL FN10(LNVFOL,-L0TLIQ,-L0TMOL,0.0, 1.0, -1.0) CALL FN40(LNVFOL) CALL FN67(LNVFOL, LNVFOL,-L0LMOL,VOL,CONT,-CONT) ELSEIF(YDIREC) THEN DO 9101 IX = 1,NX ID=IX+(IZ-1)*NX F(L0LMOL+ID) = 0. IF(F(L0TMOL+ID).LT.0.0) F(L0TMOL+ID)=0.0 IF(IHOLA.LT.0.AND.F(L0TMOL+ID).GT.F(L0TLIQ+ID)) 1 F(L0TMOL+ID)=F(L0TLIQ+ID) DO 9101 IY = 1,NY I =IY+(IX-1)*NY IF(IY.GT.1) F(L0LMOL+ID)= 1 F(L0LMOL+ID)+RHOLIQ*F(LCVOL+I- 1) F(L0VFOL+I)=(ABS(F(L0TLIQ+ID)-F(L0TMOL+ID))- 1 F(L0LMOL+ID))/(RHOLIQ*F(LCVOL+I)) 9101 CONTINUE ELSE DO 9102 IY = 1,NY ID=IY+(IZ-1)*NY F(L0LMOL+ID) = 0. IF(F(L0TMOL+ID).LT.0.0) F(L0TMOL+ID)=0.0 IF(IHOLA.LT.0.AND.F(L0TMOL+ID).GT.F(L0TLIQ+ID)) 1 F(L0TMOL+ID)=F(L0TLIQ+ID) CDIR$ IVDEP DO 9102 IX = 1,NX I =IY+(IX-1)*NY IF(IX.GT.1) F(L0LMOL+ID)= 1 F(L0LMOL+ID)+RHOLIQ*F(LCVOL+I-NY) F(L0VFOL+I)=(ABS(F(L0TLIQ+ID)-F(L0TMOL+ID))- 1 F(L0LMOL+ID))/(RHOLIQ*F(LCVOL+I)) 9102 CONTINUE ENDIF ccc call fn67(lnvfol,-l0tmol,-l0lmol,vol,1.0/rholiq,-1.0/rholiq) c limiters ensuring vfol stay within 0 and 1 c fn22(y,a) .... y = amax1(y,a) c fn23(y,a) .... y = amin1(y,a) CALL FN22(LNVFOL,0.0) CALL FN23(LNVFOL,1.0) IF(IHOLA.LT.0) CALL FN2(LNVFOL,LNVFOL,1.0,-1.0) ENDIF c c Note that fluid properties are calculated in Section 3, Group 19. C....................................................................... C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GROUP 13 ------- SECTION 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< c the following entry deals with the situation where an c outflow boundary involves both fluids. C....................................................................... ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.13.AND.ISC.EQ.1) THEN IF(INDVAR.EQ.P1) CALL FN0(CO,DEN1) C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GROUP 13 ------- SECTION 12 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< c the following type of exit boundary treatment is usually c required for specifying mass outflow when gravity acts at an c angle to the main local flow direction. ship simulation is a c case in point. c definition of fn c fn21(y,x1,x2,a,b) : y = a + b*x1*x2 C....................................................................... ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.13.AND.ISC.EQ.12) THEN IF(INDVAR.EQ.P1) THEN CALL GETPTC(NPATCH,TYPE,IXF,IXL,IYF,IYL,J,J,J,J) ITYPE=TYPE+0.1 c outflow through 'e' boundary IF(ITYPE.EQ.2) THEN INDVEL=WEST(U1) ELSEIF(ITYPE.EQ.3) THEN INDVEL=U1 ELSEIF(ITYPE.EQ.4) THEN INDVEL=SOUTH(V1) ELSEIF(ITYPE.EQ.5) THEN INDVEL=V1 ELSEIF(ITYPE.EQ.6) THEN INDVEL=LOW(W1) ELSEIF(ITYPE.EQ.7) THEN INDVEL=W1 ENDIF CALL FN21(VAL,INDVEL,DEN1,0.0,-1.0) ENDIF C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GROUP 19 ------- SECTION 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C * ------------------- SECTION 1 ---- Start of time step. ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.19.AND.ISC.EQ.1) THEN ICHK = 0 GGDT = DT IF(STEADY) GGDT=1.0 IF(ISTEP.EQ.FSTEP .AND. ZDIREC) THEN C Both "old mass of liquid" and tliq are set to zero CALL FN1(-L0MOLO,0.0) CALL FN1(-L0TLIQ,0.0) ENDIF C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 19 ------- Section 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C * ------------------- SECTION 2 ---- Start of sweep. ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.19.AND.ISC.EQ.2) THEN IF(ICHK.Ge.NZ) RETURN C Clear content of INOU at start of sweep, for ZDIREC only IF(ZDIREC) THEN IF(ISWEEP.LT.LSWEEP) CALL FN1(-L0INOU,0.0) C Give MOLO value of TMOL for the previous time step IF(ISWEEP.EQ.1.AND.ISTEP.GT.FSTEP) CALL FN0(-L0MOLO,-L0TMOL) C MOLO after IFIRST sweeps and then every IFREQU sweeps IF(STEADY.AND.ISWEEP.GT.FSWEEP.AND.ISWEEP.GT.IFIRST. 1 AND.MOD(ISWEEP-1,IFREQU).EQ.0) 1 CALL FN0(-L0MOLO,-L0TMOL) ENDIF IF(STEADY) THEN IF(ISWEEP.GE.IFIRST.AND.MOD(ISWEEP,IFREQU).EQ.0) THEN RLXFAC = GRELAX ELSE RLXFAC = 0.0 ENDIF ENDIF C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 19 ------- Section 3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C * ------------------- SECTION 3 ---- Start of iz slab. C ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.19.AND.ISC.EQ.3) THEN IF(ICHK.GE.NZ) RETURN C Store old P1 IF(STORE(LNOLDP).AND.ISWEEP.EQ.1) CALL FN0(LNOLDP,P1) C Calculate fluid properties CALL FNPRPS(IPRPS,LNVFOL,RLOLIM,RUPLIM,IPRPSB,IPRPSA) C Set logicals to .TRUE., to ensure that the appropriate C code segments are visited once for this slab VISITX=.TRUE. VISITY=.TRUE. VISITZ=.TRUE. VISITB=.TRUE. C Find F-array pointer for the volume fraction of liquid L0VFOL = L0F(LNVFOL) C Store old values of VFOL, for use in under-relaxation IF(LNVFOL.NE.0) CALL FN0(-L0EASP,LNVFOL) IF(ZDIREC) RETURN IF(NZ.GT.1) L0VOFH = L0F(HIGH(LNVFOL)) IF(YDIREC) THEN CDIR$ IVDEP DO 1931 IX = 1,NX F(L0INOU+IX) = 0.0 IF(IZ.LT.NZ) F(L0INOU+IX+IZ*NX) = 0.0 1931 CONTINUE ELSEIF(XDIREC) THEN CDIR$ IVDEP DO 1932 IY = 1,NY F(L0INOU+IY) = 0.0 IF(IZ.LT.NZ) F(L0INOU+IY+IZ*NY) = 0.0 1932 CONTINUE ENDIF C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 19 ------- Section 4 start of iteration loop C....................................................................... ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.19.AND.ISC.EQ.4) THEN C Total amount of liquid in each z-directed cell column C at the beginning of the calculation ICHK=ICHK+1 LCVOL = L0F(VOL) IF(ISTEP.GT.FSTEP.OR.ISWEEP.GT.FSWEEP.OR.ICHK.GT.NZ) RETURN IF(ZDIREC) THEN CALL FN53(-L0MOLO,LNVFOL,VOL,RHOLIQ) C TMOL is MOLO for 1st time step CALL FN0 (-L0TMOL,-L0MOLO) IF(IHOLA.LT.0) CALL FN34(-L0TLIQ,VOL,RHOLIQ) ELSEIF(YDIREC) THEN DO 1941 IX = 1,NX ID=IX+(IZ-1)*NX F(L0TMOL+ID) = 0. F(L0TLIQ+ID) = 0. DO 1941 IY = 1,NY I =IY+(IX-1)*NY IF(IHOLA.LT.0) F(L0TLIQ+ID)=F(L0TLIQ+ID)+RHOLIQ*F(LCVOL+I) F(L0TMOL+ID) = F(L0TMOL+ID)+RHOLIQ*F(LCVOL+I)*F(L0VFOL+I) 1941 CONTINUE ELSE CDIR$ IVDEP DO 1942 IY=1,NY ID=IY+(IZ-1)*NY F(L0TMOL+ID) = 0.0 F(L0TLIQ+ID) = 0.0 DO 1942 IX = 1,NX I = IY+(IX-1)*NY IF(IHOLA.LT.0) F(L0TLIQ+ID)=F(L0TLIQ+ID)+RHOLIQ*F(LCVOL+I) F(L0TMOL+ID) = F(L0TMOL+ID)+RHOLIQ*F(LCVOL+I)*F(L0VFOL+I) 1942 CONTINUE ENDIF C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 19 ------- Section 6 finish of iz slab C Tmol computed as molo + inou C Under-relax vfol C....................................................................... ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.19.AND.ISC.EQ.6) THEN IF(ICHK.GT.NZ) RETURN IF(YDIREC) THEN CDIR$ IVDEP DO 1961 IX = 1 , NX ID=IX+(IZ-1)*NX IF(ISWEEP.EQ.IFIRST) THEN F(L0MOLO+ID) = F(L0TMOL+ID) ELSEIF(STEADY.AND.ISWEEP.GE.FSWEEP.AND.ISWEEP.GE.IFIRST. 1 AND.MOD(ISWEEP,IFREQU).EQ.0) THEN F(L0MOLO+ID) = F(L0TMOL+ID) ENDIF F(L0TMOL+ID) = F(L0MOLO+ID) + RLXFAC*F(L0INOU+ID) 1961 CONTINUE ELSEIF(XDIREC) THEN CDIR$ IVDEP DO 1962 IY = 1 , NY ID=IY+(IZ-1)*NY IF(ISWEEP.EQ.IFIRST) THEN F(L0MOLO+ID) = F(L0TMOL+ID) ELSEIF(STEADY.AND.ISWEEP.GE.FSWEEP.AND.ISWEEP.GE.IFIRST. 1 AND.MOD(ISWEEP,IFREQU).EQ.0) THEN F(L0MOLO+ID) = F(L0TMOL+ID) ENDIF F(L0TMOL+ID) = F(L0MOLO+ID) + RLXFAC*F(L0INOU+ID) 1962 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(DTFALS(LNVFOL).LT.0.0) THEN RELAX=-DTFALS(LNVFOL) CALL FN10(LNVFOL,LNVFOL,-L0EASP,0.0,RELAX,1.0-RELAX) ENDIF ELSEIF(IGR.EQ.19.AND.ISC.EQ.7) THEN C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group 19 ------- Section 7 finish of sweep C Update tmol for height-in-z-direction = .true. C fn10(y,x1,x2,a,b1,b2) : y = a + b1*x1 + b2*x2 C....................................................................... ICHK=0 IF(ZDIREC) THEN CALL FN10(-L0TMOL,-L0MOLO,-L0INOU,0.0,1.0,RLXFAC) IF(STORE(LBNAME('WAVE'))) 1 CALL FN15(ANYZ(LBNAME('WAVE'),1),-L0TMOL,AHIGH,0.0,1.0/RHOLIQ) ENDIF ENDIF NAMSUB='gxhol' if(flag) call banner(2,namsub,0) END c