TALK=T;RUN( 1, 1)
   Q1 created by VDI menu, Version 2008, Date 06/06/08
  Echo DISPLAY / USE settings
  This parameterised q1 defines a steady-state representation of a
  fire in a room having an open door and two apertures, through
  which air or smoke can escape.
  introduced late in 2007, and which prevents the satellite, when it
  writes the Q1 file at the end of a session, from removing the
  declarations, settings and relationships which the original q1
  The formulation is unusual in having x as the vertical direction.
  Therefore the PIL boolean variable zUP has been introduced.
  By default it is false; but if it is set to true, changes are made
  which restore the more usual z-vertical orientation.
  In order to preserve the right-hand-rule convention, this entails:
  changing: x-direction data to z-direction i.e. high
  changing: y-direction data to x-direction i.e. wide
  changing: z-direction data to y-direction i.e. long
  This is effected by departing somewhat from the conventional
  expression of the position and size attributes in order that
  zUP can act through repeated lines:
    if(zUP) then
    dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
    dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
  where the initial settings of xpos etc are those which
  correspond to the original non-standard coordinate system,
  and the POSITION and SIZE lines are expressed for all objects as:
    > OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
    > OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
  The ability to do those demonstrates the power of the PHOENICS
  Input Language, when its logic-handling fatures are exploited , to
  make changes which it would be extremely laborious to to effect
  via the graphical user interface.
  Another boolean variable is fourwall. This has been introduced so 
  as to demonstrate that it suffices to introduce four complete 
  walls, provided that the objects representing the apertures in 
  them are introduced below them in the Q1. If this is not done, as 
  was the case in earlier versions of PHOENICS, the user may waste 
  time in creating four partial walls which leave space tor the 
  fourwall=t is the recommended option; but it may interest some
  users to satisfy themselves that fourwall=f leads to the same 
 IRUNN   =         1 ;LIBREF =         0
  Group 1. Run Title
  Echo InForm settings for Group  1
  Group 1. Run Title
boolean(zup,fourwall)    ! declarations
 TEXT( Room air flows; I201;  zUP=:zup:           )
  Echo InForm settings for Group  1
  Group 1. Run Title
  Group 2. Transience
 STEADY  =    T
  Groups 3, 4, 5  Grid Information
    * Overall number of cells, RSET(M,NX,NY,NZ,tolerance)
  Group 6. Body-Fitted coordinates
  Echo InForm settings for Group  5
  Note that the TEXT and RSET lines above are re-written by the
  ones below them because the satellite code has still not entirely
  saveXend lines
if(zUP) then
  Group 7. Variables: STOREd,SOLVEd,NAMEd
 ONEPHS  =    T
    * Non-default variable names
 NAME(149) =EPKE ; NAME(150) =TEM1
    * Solved variables list
 SOLVE(P1  ,U1  ,V1  ,W1  ,TEM1)
    * Stored variables list
    * Additional solver options
  Group 8. Terms & Devices
  Group 9. Properties
 PRESS0  = 1.000000E+05 ;TEMP0  = 2.730000E+02
    * Domain material index is   0 signifying:
    * Air at 20 deg C, 1 atm, treated as incompressible
 SETPRPS(1,  0)
 DVO1DT  = 3.410000E-03
 PRNDTL(TEM1) = -2.580000E-02
 PRT   (EP  ) =  1.314000E+00
  Group 10.Inter-Phase Transfer Processes
  Group 11.Initialise Var/Porosity Fields
 FIINIT(EPKE) =  1.000000E+00 ;FIINIT(TEM1) =  2.000000E+01
   No PATCHes used for this Group
 INIADD  =    F
  Group 12. Convection and diffusion adjustments
   No PATCHes used for this Group
  Group 13. Boundary & Special Sources
   No PATCHes used for this Group
 EGWF    =    T
  Echo InForm settings for Group 13
 PATCH (BUOYANCY,PHASEM,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1)
 COVAL (BUOYANCY,U1  , FIXFLU      , GRND3       )
 COVAL (BUOYANCY,V1  , FIXFLU      , GRND3       )
 COVAL (BUOYANCY,W1  , FIXFLU      , GRND3       )
if(zUP) then
 BUOYA   = 0.000000E+00 ; BUOYB = 0.000000E+00
 BUOYC   =-9.810000E+00
 BUOYA   =-9.810000E+00 ; BUOYB = 0.000000E+00
 BUOYC   = 0.000000E+00
 BUOYD   = 3.410000E-03
 BUOYE   = 2.000000E+01
 EGWF    =    T
  Group 14. Downstream Pressure For PARAB
  Group 15. Terminate Sweeps
 LSWEEP  =       200
 RESFAC  = 1.000000E-03
  Group 16. Terminate Iterations
  Group 17. Relaxation
 RELAX(P1  ,LINRLX, 1.000000E+00)
 RELAX(KE  ,LINRLX, 5.000000E-01)
 RELAX(EP  ,LINRLX, 5.000000E-01)
 KELIN   =         0
  Group 18. Limits
 VARMAX(U1  ) = 1.000000E+06 ;VARMIN(U1  ) =-1.000000E+06
 VARMAX(V1  ) = 1.000000E+06 ;VARMIN(V1  ) =-1.000000E+06
 VARMAX(W1  ) = 1.000000E+06 ;VARMIN(W1  ) =-1.000000E+06
 VARMAX(TEM1) = 1.000000E+02 ;VARMIN(TEM1) =-1.000000E+11
  Group 19. EARTH Calls To GROUND Station
 USEGRD  =    T  ;USEGRX =    T
 GENK    =    T
 ASAP    =    T
 PARSOL  =    T
 CONWIZ  =    T
 ISG52   =         1
  Group 20. Preliminary Printout
 ECHO    =    T
  Group 21. Print-out of Variables
  Group 22. Monitor Print-Out
 IXMON   =         3 ;IYMON  =         3 ;IZMON  =         4
 NPRMON  =    100000
 NPRMNT  =         1
 TSTSWP  =        -1
  Group 23.Field Print-Out & Plot Control
 NPRINT  =    100000
 ISWPRF  =         1 ;ISWPRL =    100000
   No PATCHes used for this Group
  Group 24. Dumps For Restarts
  Echo InForm settings for Group 25
xulast=2.8956       ! 9.5 feet    Probably the original dimensions
yvlast=6.4008       ! 21.0 feet   were expressed in feet rather
zwlast=8.5344       ! 28.0 feet   than meters
if(zUP) then   ! switch domain dimensions if the U direction is z
real(dummy)         ! dummy neeeds to ba declared only once
  dummy=xulast; xulast=zwlast; zwlast=yvlast; yvlast=dummy
dummy=zwlast; zwlast=xulast; xulast=yvlast; yvlast=dummy
  declarations of problem defining quantities
real(xscale,yscale,zscale) ! in case a change of scale is required
  Note that 'supp'  refers to the air-supply aperture,
             prt1 ,prt2 and prt3 to partitions,
             high, wide and long signify height (x direction), width
                 (y or z directions) and length (z direction)
             xpos, ypos and zpos are the position coordinates
             xsiz, ysiz and zsiz are the corresponding sizes
             They are recognised PIL variable, used repeatedly in
             the object-attribute settings.
xscale=1.0     ! One might conceivably wish to change the dimensions
yscale=1.0     ! of the room and its contents by use of these scali$
zscale=1.0     ! factors
if(zUP) then
roomhigh=zwlast * zscale
roomwide=xulast * xscale
roomlong=yvlast * yscale
roomhigh=xulast * xscale
roomwide=yvlast * yscale
roomlong=zwlast * zscale
if(zUP) then
doorhigh=zwlast * zscale
doorwide=9.144000E-01 * yscale
doorzpos=7.924800E+00 * zscale
doorhigh=xulast * xscale
doorwide=9.144000E-01 * yscale
doorzpos=7.924800E+00 * zscale
prt1wide=3.048000E+00 * yscale
prt2wide=2.438400E+00 * zscale
prt1high=1.828800E+00 * xscale
prt1thck=1.524000E-01 * zscale
prt1zpos=4.267200E+00 * zscale
prt3zpos=3.352800E+00 * zscale
suppypos=2.743200E+00 * yscale
suppxpos=1.828800E+00 * xscale
suppwide=9.144000E-01 * yscale
supphigh=3.048000E-01 * xscale
fireypos=2.288400E+00 * yscale
firezpos=7.644000E-01 * zscale
firesize=3.000000E-01 * zscale
 GVIEW(P, -5.050615E-01,-2.881525E-03,8.630785E-01)
 GVIEW(UP, 8.592720E-01, 9.219494E-02,5.031418E-01)
 GVIEW(P, 8.630785E-01,-5.050615E-01,-2.881525E-03)
if(zUP) then
> DOM,    SIZE,        roomwide    , roomlong    , roomhigh
> DOM,    SIZE,        roomhigh    , roomwide    , roomlong
> DOM,    MONIT,       4.999400E-01, 5.721000E-01, 4.777500E-01
> DOM,    SCALE,       1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00
> DOM,    SNAPSIZE,    1.000000E-02
           representations of aspects of the geometry
  --------------------------------  --------------------------------
  !  ^          ! supp ! roomwide-! !  ^         ! supp ! roomwide-!
  ! roomhigh    ! wide !          ! ! roomhigh   ! wide !          !
  !        supp-!      !          ! !       supp-!      !          !
  !        ypos !      !          ! !       ypos !      !          !
  !             ! L4   !          ! !            ! H3   !          !
  !             !------!          ! !            !------!          !
  !    L1       !supply!  L2      ! !    H1      !return!  H2      !
  !             !------!          ! !            !------!          !
  !             !  ^   !          ! !            !  ^   !          !
  !             ! supp !          ! !            ! supp !          !
  !             ! xpos !          ! !            ! xpos !          !
  !             !      !          ! !            !      !          !
  !             ! L3   !          ! !            ! H4   !          !
  !-------------!------!----------! !------------!------!----------!
            zpos=0                           zpos=roomlong
     !            !             !                                !
     !            !    N3       !                                !
     !            !             !                                !
     !            !-------------!                                !
     !            !      ^      !                                !
     !            !  doorhigh   !                                !
     !  N2        !             !          N1                    !
     !            !- doorwide  -!                                !
     !            !             !                                !
     !            !  OPEN       !                                !
     !            !             !                                !
     !            !             !                                !
     !            !             !                                !
     !-roomlong   !-doorzpos    !                                !
if(fourwall)  then
> OBJ,    NAME,        wall-low
xpos=0.0 ; ypos= 0.0; zpos=0.0
xsiz=:roomhigh:   ;ysiz= :roomwide:    ; zsiz=  0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        wall-high
xpos= 0.0; ypos=0.0; zpos=roomlong
xsiz= roomhigh  ; ysiz=roomwide    ; zsiz=0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        wall-north
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=roomwide; zpos=0.0
xsiz=roomhigh   ; ysiz= 0.0   ; zsiz=roomlong
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        wall-south
xpos= 0.0; ypos=0.0; zpos=0.0
xsiz= roomhigh  ; ysiz= 0.0   ; zsiz=roomlong
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        wall-l1
xpos= 0.0; ypos=0.0; zpos=0.0
xsiz= roomhigh  ; ysiz=suppypos   ; zsiz=0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        wall-l2
xpos= 0.0; ypos=suppypos+suppwide; zpos=0.0
xsiz=roomhigh   ; ysiz=roomwide-suppwide-suppypos    ; zsiz=0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        WALL-L3
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=suppypos; zpos=0.0
xsiz= suppxpos  ; ysiz= suppwide   ; zsiz= 0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        WALL-L4
xpos=suppxpos+supphigh ; ypos=suppypos; zpos=0.0
xsiz=roomhigh-suppxpos-supphigh   ; ysiz=suppwide    ; zsiz=0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE      

  else  ! If fourwall = f , create several smaller walls so as to
        ! leave space for the aperture. This is a needless
        ! complication              

> OBJ,    NAME,        WALL-H3
xpos= suppxpos+supphigh; ypos=suppypos; zpos=roomlong
xsiz= :roomhigh-suppxpos-supphigh:  ; ysiz= suppwide   ; zsiz= 0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        WALL-H4
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=suppypos; zpos=roomlong
xsiz= suppxpos  ; ysiz=suppwide    ; zsiz=0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        WALL-H1
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=0.0; zpos=roomlong
xsiz= roomhigh  ; ysiz=suppypos    ; zsiz=0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        WALL-H2
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=suppypos+suppwide; zpos=roomlong
xsiz=roomhigh; ysiz=:roomwide-suppwide-suppypos:    ; zsiz=0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,         WALL-S1
xpos=  0.0; ypos=0.0; zpos=0.0
xsiz=roomhigh   ; ysiz=0.0    ; zsiz=roomlong
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        WALL-N1
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=roomwide; zpos=0.0
xsiz= roomhigh  ; ysiz=0.0    ; zsiz=doorzpos-doorwide
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    NAME,        WALL-N2
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=roomwide; zpos=doorzpos
xsiz=roomhigh ; ysiz=0.0    ; zsiz= roomlong-doorzpos
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE

> OBJ,    NAME,        WALL-N3
xpos=doorhigh ; ypos=roomwide; zpos=doorzpos-doorwide
xsiz=roomhigh-doorhigh   ; ysiz= 0.0    ; zsiz=doorwide
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
endif   ! end of  .not.fourwall
> OBJ,    NAME,        SUPPLY
xpos=suppxpos ; ypos=suppypos; zpos=0.0
xsiz=supphigh   ; ysiz=suppwide   ; zsiz=0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube3
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        INLET
> OBJ,    PRESSURE,            0.000000E+00
> OBJ,    VOLUFLOW,            4.205200E-01
> OBJ,    TEMPERATURE,         tempsupp
> OBJ,    TURB-INTENS,         5.000000E+00
> OBJ,    NAME,        RETURN
xpos=suppxpos ; ypos=suppypos; zpos=roomlong
xsiz=supphigh   ; ysiz=suppwide    ; zsiz=0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube3
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        INLET
> OBJ,    PRESSURE,            0.000000E+00
> OBJ,    VOLUFLOW,           -3.364200E-01
> OBJ,    TEMPERATURE,         tempsupp
> OBJ,    TURB-INTENS,         5.000000E+00
> OBJ,    NAME,        OPEN
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=roomwide; zpos=doorzpos-doorwide
xsiz=doorhigh   ; ysiz=0.0    ; zsiz=doorwide
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube12
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        OPENING
> OBJ,    PRESSURE,    0.000000E+00
> OBJ,    TEMPERATURE, tempsupp
> OBJ,    COEFFICIENT, 1.000000E+03
> OBJ,    TURBULENCE,    SAME        , SAME

> OBJ,    NAME,        DOOR
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=roomwide-doorwide; zpos=doorzpos
xsiz= doorhigh  ; ysiz= doorwide   ; zsiz= 0.0
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    POROSITY,            0.000000E+00
> OBJ,    SIDE,        BOTH
> OBJ,    NAME,        PART-1
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=0.0; zpos=prt1zpos
xsiz=prt1high   ; ysiz= prt1wide   ; zsiz=prt1thck
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube14
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        BLOCKAGE
> OBJ,    MATERIAL,    198,Solid with smooth-wall friction
> OBJ,    NAME,        PART-2
xpos=0.0 ; ypos= prt1wide; zpos=0.0
xsiz=prt1high   ; ysiz= prt1thck   ; zsiz=prt2wide
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube14
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        BLOCKAGE
> OBJ,    MATERIAL,    198,Solid with smooth-wall friction
> OBJ,    NAME,        PART-3
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=prt1wide; zpos= prt3zpos
xsiz=prt1high   ; ysiz=prt1thck    ; zsiz=prt2wide
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube14
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        BLOCKAGE
> OBJ,    MATERIAL,    198,Solid with smooth-wall friction
> OBJ,    NAME,        FIRE
xpos=0.0 ; ypos=fireypos; zpos=firezpos
xsiz=firesize   ; ysiz= firesize   ; zsiz=firesize
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    fire
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        9
> OBJ,    TYPE,        BLOCKAGE
> OBJ,    MATERIAL,    0,  Air at 20 deg C, 1 atm
> OBJ,    HEAT_FLUX,     0.000000E+00, fireflux
> OBJ,    SCAL_FIXF,           0.000000E+00
> OBJ,    NAME,        ROOF
xpos=roomhigh ; ypos=0.0; zpos=0.0
xsiz=0.0   ; ysiz=roomwide    ; zsiz=roomlong
if(zUP) then
dummy=zpos; zpos=xpos; xpos=ypos; ypos=dummy
dummy=zsiz; zsiz=xsiz; xsiz=ysiz; ysiz=dummy
> OBJ,    POSITION,    :xpos:, :ypos:, :zpos:
> OBJ,    SIZE,        :xsiz:, :ysiz:, :zsiz:
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube11
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    VISIBLE,     NO
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE