TALK=T;RUN( 1, 1)
   Q1 created by VDI menu, Version 3.6, Date 12/09/05
  Echo DISPLAY / USE settings
  DISPLAY (checks arithmetic; WZh)
  This one-dimensional steady-state heat conduction problem tests 
  the correctness of the setting of a heat source in an object 
  which does not completely fill the cell within which it lies.

  This is is OB1, made of aluminium, which shares the cell
  at IX=10 with OB2 which is made of domain fluid.
  OB1, on its own, would fill the cell; but, since OB2 appears 
  after it in the Q1 file, it replaces aluminium in the lower-x 
  part of the cell.

  The heat source, 10.[W] is applied to solid sub-cell, 
  which reaches 368 [C], the T-gradient to left end plate
  with fixed 0[C] is exactly 387 [C/m] (analytical value). 
 IRUNN   =         1 ;LIBREF =         0
  Group 1. Run Title
 TEXT(cut cell heat conduction testing case   )
  Group 2. Transience
 STEADY  =    T
  Groups 3, 4, 5  Grid Information
    * Overall number of cells, RSET(M,NX,NY,NZ,tolerance)
  Group 6. Body-Fitted coordinates
  Group 7. Variables: STOREd,SOLVEd,NAMEd
 ONEPHS  =    T
 NAME(146) =TEM1
    * Solved variables list
    * Additional solver options
  Group 8. Terms & Devices
  Group 9. Properties
 PRESS0  = 1.000000E+05 ;TEMP0  = 2.730000E+02
    * Domain material is: 0   Air at 20 deg C, 1 atm, treated as i
 SETPRPS(1,  0)
 ENUT    = 0.000000E+00
 DVO1DT  = 3.410000E-03
 PRNDTL(TEM1) = -2.580000E-02
  Group 10.Inter-Phase Transfer Processes
  Group 11.Initialise Var/Porosity Fields
   No PATCHes used for this Group
 INIADD  =    F
  Group 12. Convection and diffusion adjustments
   No PATCHes used for this Group
  Group 13. Boundary & Special Sources
   No PATCHes used for this Group
 EGWF    =    T
  Group 14. Downstream Pressure For PARAB
  Group 15. Terminate Sweeps
 LSWEEP  =      1000
 RESFAC  = 1.000000E-09
  Group 16. Terminate Iterations
 LITER (TEM1) =      200
  Group 17. Relaxation
  Group 18. Limits
  Group 19. EARTH Calls To GROUND Station
 USEGRD  =    T  ;USEGRX =    T
 ASAP    =    T
 PARSOL  =    T
  Group 20. Preliminary Printout
 ECHO    =    T
EX(TEM1)=   1.920E+02  
EX(PRPS)=   1.0 
  Group 21. Print-out of Variables
  Group 22. Monitor Print-Out
 IXMON   =         3 ;IYMON  =         1 ;IZMON  =         1
 NPRMON  =    100000
 NPRMNT  =         1
 TSTSWP  =        -1
  Group 23.Field Print-Out & Plot Control
 NPRINT  =    100000
 ISWPRF  =         1 ;ISWPRL =    100000
   No PATCHes used for this Group
  Group 24. Dumps For Restarts
> DOM,    SIZE,        1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00
> DOM,    MONIT,       2.500000E-01, 2.500000E-01, 2.500000E-01
> DOM,    SCALE,       1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00
> DOM,    SNAPSIZE,    1.000000E-02
> GRID,   RSET_X_1,     10, 1.000000E+00
> GRID,   RSET_Y_1,      1, 1.000000E+00
> GRID,   RSET_Z_1,      1, 1.000000E+00
> OBJ,    NAME,        B1
> OBJ,    POSITION,    9.000000E-01, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00
> OBJ,    SIZE,        1.000000E-01, 1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    box
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,       18
> OBJ,    TYPE,        BLOCKAGE
> OBJ,    COLOR-VAL,         48
> OBJ,    OPAQUE,            50
> OBJ,    MATERIAL,    100,ALUMINIUM at 27 deg c
> OBJ,    HEAT_FLUX,    0.000000E+00, 1.000000E+01
> OBJ,    NAME,        B2
> OBJ,    POSITION,    9.000000E-01, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00
> OBJ,    SIZE,        5.000000E-02, 1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    box
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,       20
> OBJ,    GRID,        NO
> OBJ,    TYPE,        BLOCKAGE
> OBJ,    NAME,        B3
> OBJ,    POSITION,    0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00
> OBJ,    SIZE,        0.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00
> OBJ,    GEOMETRY,    cube13
> OBJ,    ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ,    TYPE,        PLATE
> OBJ,    SURF_TEMP,    0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00