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7.7.Sources of Further Information

A.Adeniji-Fashola & C.P.Chen, 'Modelling of confined turbulent fluid particle flows using Eulerian and Lagrangian schemes', Int.J.Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.33, No.4, p691, (1990).

C.P.Chen & P.E.Wood, 'A turbulence closure model for dilute gas- particle flows', Canadian J.Chem. Engng., Vol.63, p349, (1985).

C.P.Chen & P.E.Wood, 'Turbulence closure modelling of the dilute gas particle axisymmetric jet', AIChE Journal, Vol.32, No.1, p163, ( 1986)

S.Elghobashi, T.Abou-Arab, M.Rizk 7 A.Mostafa,'Prediction of particle-laden jet with a two-equation turbulence model', Int.J. Multiphase Flow, Vol.10, No.6, p697, (1984).

I.S.Hamill & M.R.Malin, 'Turbulence modulation due to the presence of particles', PHOENICS Journal, Vol.4, No.II, p212, (1991).

B.Huang, 'Modelisation numerique d'ecoulements diphasiques a bulles dans des reacteurs chimiques', PhD Thesis, L'Universite Claude Bernard - Lyon, (1989).

S.T.Johansen & F.Boysan, 'Fluid dynamics in bubble-stirred ladles: Part II. Mathematical modelling', Metall. Trans. B, Vol. 19B, p755, (1988).

R.T.Lahey, M.Lopez de Bertodano & O.C.Jones, 'Phase distribution in complex geometry ducts', Nuclear Engng. & Design, Vol.141, p177, (1993).

M.Lopez de Bertodano, S.J.Lee, R.T.Lahey & D.A.Drew, 'The prediction of 2-phase turbulence and phase distribution phenomena using a Reynolds stress model', ASME J.Fluids Engng., Vol.112, p107, (1990).

M.Lopez de Bertodano, R.T.Lahey & O.C.Jones, 'Phase distribution in bubbly two-phase flow in vertical ducts', Int.J.Multiphase Flow, Vol.20, No.5, p805, (1994).

A.A.Mostafa & H.C.Mongia, 'On the modelling of turbulent evaporating sprays: Eulerian versus Lagrangian approach', Int.J.Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.30, No.12, p2583, (1987).

A.A.Mostafa & H.C.Mongia, 'On the interaction of particles and turbulent fluid flow', Int.J.Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.31, No.10, p2063, (1988).

K.O.Petersen, 'Etude experimentale et numerique des ecoulements diphasiques dans les reacteurs chimiques', PhD Thesis, L'Universite Claude Bernard - Lyon, (1992).

F.Pourahmadi & J.A.C.Humphrey, 'Modelling solid-fluid turbulent flow with application to predicting erosive wear', PCH Journal, Vol.4, No.3, p191, (1983).

N.W.Rice & R.G.Geary, 'Prediction of liquid circulation in viscous bubble columns', AIChE Journal, Vol.36, No.9, pp1339-1348, (1990).

H.F.Svendsen, H.A.Jakobsen & R.Torvik, 'Local flow structures in internal-loop and bubble-column reactors', Chem.Eng.Sci., Vol.47, No.13-14, pp3297-3304, (1992).
