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What VRGEOM does

S V Zhubrin


To provide the general overview of current status, the functions and operation of


A menu-driven stand-alone utility for creating GEOMetry files which can be interpreted as VR objects.


  1. Current capabilities
  2. Operational Overview
  3. Outstanding Tasks for completion
  4. Suggestions for further developments

Current capabilities

VRGEOM is designed to provide a user-friendly tool for creating objects participating in fluid-thermal simulations.

VRGEOM handles a number of basic object classes from which the variety of different shapes can be created via user-specified object parameters.

At present, thirteen classes of basic objects have been made available for Cartesian coordinate system. They are:

  1. Cone
  2. Cube or rectangular box
  3. Cylinder
  4. incomplete cone Frustrum
  5. Frustrum with rectangular orifice
  6. Pyramid with rectangular orifice
  7. Pyramid with cylindrical orifice
  8. Ring or toroid
  9. Ring pipe
  10. Sphere
  11. hollow sphere or Sperical shell
  12. Spiral
  13. Spiral pipe
User can adjust the basic object parameters to get object variants as the followings illustrate:

VRGEOM can also convert XYZ files, such as PHOENICS uses for describing BFC grids and geometries, into the files which are interpreted as specific objects. The examples are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Once created these objects can be loaded into the VR editor, dimensioned, oriented and combined to obtain the desired geometry.

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Operational Overview

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Main window

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Use of the menu

Menu items are selected by mouse in the usual way - use the left side mouse button.

An example of the main graphics window menu - [File]

Selection of [Open GEO file] leads to a lower level menu where appropriate file selections are made.

Similarly for other choices.

Local on-line Help is provided.

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Methods of input

Input modes are:

Following input, when appropriate:

Users are guided through specific menus by context help advice and warnings, ensuring that the input parameters are sensible.

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Saving and loading input data

All user-input data are saved in the file of specified name by clicking [File]/[Save GEOfile].

They can be loaded back by clicking [File]/[Open GEOfile], when required.

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Outstanding tasks for completion

  1. Reviewing and correcting menu wordings.
  2. Completing context and on-line help.
  3. Providing real-life application examples.
  4. Merging with PHOENICS.

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Suggestions for further developments

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