CHAM would like to encourage all PHOENICS Users to contribute to the PHOENICS Newsletter. Send articles to, in Word format please.

To read the Summer edition of the PHOENICS Newsletter click the button below.
CHAM would like to encourage all PHOENICS Users to contribute to the PHOENICS Newsletter. Send articles to, in Word format please.
Take a look at our Brochure to see new features, changes, updates and bug fixes in PHOENICS-2023. If you are already a Client, PHOENICS-2023 is available to all maintained Customers; just let us know you want to update. New users will receive this version automatically.
Revit models can be successfully imported into PHOENICS and RhinoCFD if appropriate procedures are followed when exporting models from the native format.
CHAM has prepared a tutorial which gives a step-by-step description of the steps needed.
PHOENICS/RhinoCFD can model matters associated with virus spread. This is particularly relevant given the impact the omicron variant is having on people & countries. See Simulation of breath dispersal in a restaurant/bar or RhinoCFD - Spread of germs due to a sneeze visualized. For further information contact
CHAM’s skilled Consultancy team can assist those whose business will benefit from CFD simulations but who do not have the expertise, or desire, to carry out modelling in-house. Talk to us about your problems. We will work with you to provide cost-effective consulting services, for a broad spectrum of applications, which are tailored to the specific requirements of you – the Customer.
CHAM’s experienced and dedicated Technical-Support Team provides expert advice and assistance to those using PHOENICS to model any, and all, aspects of fluid flow. We can also help if you are using any other PHOENICS-based software available from CHAM. Our aim is to make using our software as simple and successful as possible - whatever your application.
FLAIR is a PHOENICS variant which simulates air-flow and thermal aspects of internal & external flow scenarios. It is a crucial tool for HVAC communities & those concerned with fire, smoke & pollutant hazards. FLAIR-EFS, which is particularly cost effective, can help architects & building engineers understand the impact of new buildings by simulating flow in urban environments.
RhinoCFD adds the power of CFD to the CAD environment, allowing Rhino3D users to undertake interactive investigations of CAD models under various flow conditions without leaving the Rhinoceros environment.
“PHOENICS has been a valuable tool for me throughout my career. It has helped to optimize metal furnace burner arrangement, design and optimize industrial shop ventilation, design and optimize fume capture hoods, and understand and improve ductwork mixing. There has been an impressive improvement in the speed and capabilities of PHOENICS over the nearly 20 years that I have used it and I appreciate the support and feedback from the team over the years.” Dr. Sam Matson, Director of Energy Technology at Commercial Metals Company, USA
CHAM would like to encourage all PHOENICS Users to contribute to the PHOENICS Newsletter. Send articles to, in Word format please.